Wednesday 19 October 2016

My trip to The Cat Cafe.

Hi guys, so it's been a long-ass while since I last made a blog post. Truth is, I wasn't busy. Rather, it's because I was fucking lazy. But after thinking about it, I figured I shouldn't make any more excuses and get this blog moving. So here I am, back at it with the Whi- //slapped

Okay I better shut up now.

Anyway, the main topic of this blog post. So on a Saturday about 2 weeks ago, I went to The Cat Cafe, located at Bugis Village. It's actually located opposite Bugis Junction, top floor right above Burger King. You won't be able to miss it. I've been here quite a number of times before as I used to work at McDonald's Bugis Junction, though I don't work there anymore. Anyway, I was in a mood to blog so I decided to snap some photos. And yes, I am a sucker for animals.

Because I'm vain as fuck, here's a selfie of my ugly-ass mug.

BTW, if you guys are wondering, it's SGD$15 per entry with free soft drink and unlimited staying time. Pretty neat, huh?

Anyway, here are photos of cute cats.

And here's a couple of 2-shots with my black feline cousins.

Okay okay here's a 2-shot with a non-black cat.

One last photo of a hungry cat.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience at The Cat Cafe. I highly recommend paying this place a visit.

Anyway, I'll probably be blogging more often now as my life permits more and also because I kinda wanna keep this blog alive. I'm going for a couple of events soon so expect more blog posts on those things.

So until then, I'll see you guys in the next blog post.

- Shu

Tuesday 12 July 2016

A reintroduction and reimaging (kinda)

Oh gee, I wonder who this kawaii fellow is?

Well, that's me being an ass. Hi, I'm Shu Serian, and this is my blog, Suzaku ProjectWorks. If you look at the backlog, there used to be a ton of article and the like. Well, I had no idea what I was doing at the time. So here's a reintroduction of this blog.

So wait, what the hell is Suzaku ProjectWorks anyway? Well, it's my blog really. A blog where I share my life as an otaku, both personally and professionally. Commentaries on the latest geeky news abound. I guess you could say I'm both a critic, journalist, lifestyle blogger and otaku all rolled into one ugly fellow.

Anyway, I'll be sharing my life as an otaku from time to time, depending on my free time. I ain't rushing this. Until then, I'll see you guys soon.

Shu Serian, over and out! //crawls back into man cave