Friday 30 October 2015

Introduction: Who am I and what is Suzaku ProjectWorks?

Okay so I guess it's probably time for me to perhaps make a blog post about this, no? Anyway, hi, I'm Shu Serian and welcome to Suzaku ProjectWorks, a blog that's both personal as well as a media enterprise startup.

So first up, about myself. My name is Shu Serian, though this is only a public alias that I prefer to go under. My real name is Ashok Kumar and yes, I'm Tamil Indian. Though to be specific, very few people know this but while I'm not mixed race, I'm not a full Indian. No, I'm also of French Caucasian descent, one of my ancestors being one of many French settlers who traveled to India during the 17th Century and married one of the local girls there. BTW, I can't speak French and none of my family members can either (DUH! We have a french ancestor but that's that, merely sharing DNA and not tradition). I also suck at my own Mother Tongue too, though I know VERY very basic Tamil.

Anyway, why the alias "Shu Serian"? Well, "Serian" is a corrupted form of my father's name "Nanmarasezhian" and uncles' names "Vendrosezhian" (not sure if this is how my uncle's name is pronounced. I'll have to check with my Dad later) and "Barathasezhian", though alot of people have an issue with pronouncing my Dad's name and by Hindu tradition, my Dad's name is my surname. And yes, I am a Hindu.

As for the name "Shu", the kanji I use for "Shu" is the first kanji used in "Suzaku" a.k.a the Vermillion Bird of the South. The compass direction of "south", on a map, is depicted as the cardinal direction "down" and the Vermillion Bird is often depicted as a phoenix, which, according to most mythologies, are often said to reborn whenever they die (sort of). This is a spiritual reminder to me that no matter how many times I may fall, I shall rise back up.

This brings me to what Suzaku ProjectWorks is. Suzaku ProjectWorks is what I call a media enterprise, though to be specific, it's an umbrella for various activities, be it both professional and personal. The common threads that links all my activities are 2 themes: media and projects. All things I do under Suzaku ProjectWorks (like this blog for example) are some form of media and I view each work as a project of sorts. Hence, "ProjectWorks".

So anyway, what are my interests? If you guys haven't guessed yet, I'm a massive Japanophile. I love all things related to Japan, including anime and manga and, yes, cosplay. But note that I don't solely like Japanese culture only. I am a massive geek so expect a ton of rambling on video games, movies, TV shows and comics (especially Marvel Comics. Sorry but DC's so convoluted now, I could hardly catch up with it. Marvel just seems so much easier to access to).

So let's get on to what you all can expect from this blog. Basically, a ton of things. At present, I'll be showcasing my photography works (Yes, I am a photographer too). This blog's also a news portal of sorts so expect articles on the latest TV shows, anime, manga, movie, video games and comics too and a bunch of other geeky things. And yes, this also includes (hopefully) interviews and reviews and stuff like that. I read up on all these things so most of my blog posts are sure to be all about these things. But aside from all this, maybe even a bit of my own personal life too.

As for future plans, I may start uploading song covers (Yes, I can sing. Well, I'm not tone-deaf atleast and I'm not the best singer out there but I fucking love singing). I also intend to do videography so expect some footage too and filmmaking (Fun fact: I'm a certified filmmaker) so possibly expect exclusive info right here on this blog too.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on for far too long. I'll just end this blog post with a small announcement on what you all can expect in the next few weeks: A review of the Closed Beta release of the North American version of Blade & Soul. Yes, I did manage to get into the CB test for that game.

So ANYWAY, please go to my social links, follow this blog, give my social links a follow and like. Much appreciated.

Shu Serian
Suzaku ProjectWorks

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