Friday 6 November 2015

Winter Soldier and Falcon: Who will be Captain America after Civil War?

Okay okay I know. It's been a while since I posted anything. But we're getting back on track here, 'kay. Oh and the title might be a little misleading but I can assure you, it sort of makes some sense.

ANYWAY, Let's talk about Captain America: Civil War. So this movie is the beginning of Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, supposedly the last Captain American solo movie and probably the last time we'll ever since Human Tor-I mean Chris Evans wield the shield as Captain America.

But here's where things get interesting: Due to the source material for the storyline and Marvel's current marketing strategies, there's a likelihood that we may get a new Captain America out of this. Specifically, 2 contenders: Winter Soldier and Falcon. This blog post is basically a discussion/debate/theory/i-have-no-idea-what-this-is kind of blog post, one that will ask this question: Who will be Captain America? So let's get going, shall we?:-

Winter Soldier

So for those not in the know, the movie's adapted from a rather iconic and pivotal storyline that rocked the Marvel Universe for a good long while, Civil War. I won't go into great detail on the plot as the movie's synopsis is more or less the same as the comics, but basically, this comic book event saw the supposed death, at the time, of Steve Roger. After a short while, this leads to Bucky Barnes a.k.a Winter Soldier to take up the iconic mantle of his old partner as Captain America. Given the nature of the storyline and also that Sebastian Stan, the man behind Bucky a.k.a Winter Soldier, is signed on to play him for 5-6 more films, there's a likely chance that we may get to see him take on this mantle as an act of redemption of sorts.


Okay so for those not in the know of this either, it's basically common knowledge by now that Marvel occasionally uses this marketing strategy of reinventing characters between both the movies, TV shows and comics to to have similarities to appeal to newer comic fans and movie/TV show fans-turned-comic fans, all without changing continuity in the comics. 4 prime examples of this is the introduction of the MCU-original character, Phil Coulson, into the comics, introducing comic Nick Fury's half-black son, Nicky Fury Jr., just so as to have a black Nick Fury in the mainstream comics too, retconning comic Daisy Johnson a.k.a Quake as an Inhuman and giving her the "affectionate" nickname of Skye simple because the same character was originally called Skye in Agents of SHIELD and was an Inhuman, and introducing the Carol Danvers incarnation of Captain Marvel in the movies due to Carol being the current Captain Marvel in the comics.

So anyway, at the moment, Steve isn't Cap in the comics. It's Sam Wilson himself. How? Well, Steve was drained of the Super-Soldier serum, subsequently aging into his proper age. As a result of this, Sam Wilson has been entrusted to take up the iconic Red, White and Blue and is now the current Captain America, atleast while Marvel intends to have this status quo. This brings me to my point: If I am right that Marvel will use this kind of marketing strategy yet again, we may likely see Anthony Mackie's Falcon as Captain America after this.

So to the right is comic Bucky Barnes as Captain America and to the left is comic Sam Wilson as Captain America. Either of their MCU equivalents may or may not be wielding the shield. Time will tell.

- Shu

Source: FanpopScreenCrushWikipedia and ScreenRant for images.

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